The PCRA report identifies major climate risks, sources of vulnerability, and priority adaptation actions. The assessment involved several crucial steps:

i. Formation of a cross-sectoral Technical Working Group (TWG) to lead the participatory county climate risk assessment process.

ii. Training of the Technical Working Group.

iii. Stakeholder analysis and engagement process.

iv. Stakeholder engagement at various levels.

v. Data collection and workshop preparation.

vi. Multi-stakeholder climate risk assessment workshop.

vii. Compilation of the Climate Risk Assessment Report.

Following this extensive process, a number of hazards were identified and the possible mitigation and adaptive strategies. The key hazards include:

  1. Drought
  2. Low water volumes (rivers, streams, springs, boreholes)
  3. Erratic rainfall
  4. Deforestation and low vegetation cover
  5. Flooding and flash floods
  6. Pests, diseases, and invasive species
  7. Land degradation (Landslides, gullies etc.)
  8. Over-abstraction of water resources